About Muyil Press
Shrouded in the thick mist that hangs over a brackish Mayan lagoon, the origins of Muyil Press are obscure at best. Suffice to say a crocodile crawled out of the milky green water late one afternoon and sent a tourist scurrying up the Sian Kaan observation tower where he was forced to spend the night. Unable to sleep, he came up with an idea – a literary project devoted to twisted fiction. From such a coincidental happenstance was the publishing house born.
Allen Jones, Editor in Chief
New Book in 2024
Comics / Liturature
is coming soon !
Book in 2023
Collections of nineteen short stories;
Man Trap, Ixtabibl, Under Pants, Wasp Under Glass, Brain Dead, Bobby Fever Does Group, Thanks Giving 2003 Feeding Baudrillard, A Reasonable Man, The Fitter Inner, Men Are Pigs, The Return of Elmer, Pops The Caveman, The Human Dynamo, The Jungle, The Troll, The Magic Christian, Fu Chan, Party Boy
written by Kevin Bartelme.
ISBN : 978-4-9912864-1-4
19.95 USD
Available at
The Caveman
This man is a talented advertising agent who drives a Mercedes. However, he doesn't live in a luxury high-rise apartment, but in a cave in Chichibu near Tokyo. Will his girlfriend accept this lifestyle? Can he become a cave woman? What is human happiness? We invite readers to fantasize about living in a cave for themselves.
A short story written by Kevin Bartelme
広告代理店で敏腕を振るい、メルセデスに乗るこの男。 ところが、その住まいは高級タワマンではなく、秩父の洞窟。その生活スタイルを恋人は受け入れるだろうか? 洞窟女になれるか? 人の幸せとは一体何だろうか? 読者の皆さんもご自身の洞窟生活を空想してみては如何だろうか。ケビン バテルミ 著(英語)+小野 紳 訳(日本語)
価格 300円(税込330円)
ご購入は、 muyilpress@gmail.com
Book in 2022
It's a book of two stories "The show" and "The Reluctant Doctor".
The show consists of 12 chapters and an epilogue,
and The Reluctant Doctor consists of 28 chapters
written by Kevin Bartelme.
ISBN : 978-0-9857835-8-7
19.95 USD
Available at
Fu Chan
The COVID-19 pandemic prevented the author from returning to the United States and during this time restrictions on meeting people, the author met Fu Chan, who lives in a miso storehouse near Tokyo. Foo-chan is a 5-year-old but well-built tortoise who loves apples and bananas. Fu Chan occasionally decides to escape. The story of Fu Chan, who will surely outlive the author, was inspired by a nightmare, written by Kevin Bartelme.
コロナ禍でアメリカへの帰国が阻まれる中、そして人に会うのを制限される中、著者は東京郊外の味噌蔵に棲むフーちゃんに出会った。フーちゃんは5歳だがかなり体格が良いトータス(リクガメ)で、りんごとバナナが大好き。そして時折脱走を図る。著者より確実に長生きするフーちゃんの物語は、悪夢に触発されて書かれた。ケビン バテルミ著(英語)+小野 紳訳(日本語)
ISBN : 978-4-9912864-0-7 CO197
価格 450円(税込495円)
ご購入は、 muyilpress@gmail.com
Book in 2021
The Fool Inside of Me
Japanese translation of Dreaming of Hokusai
ケビン・バテルミが書くフィクションはニューヨークを舞台にしたものが多いが、2003年に初来日して以来、行脚して綴った短編集「Dreaming Hokusai」(2019年出版)は日本各地を舞台とする。北斎が人物をリアルにコミカルに描いたように、バテルミは昨今の日本を架空の登場人物に投影する。本書はその翻訳本であり、「僕の中のバカジン」は短編集の中の一編であり、他「世界の始まり」「記憶喪失」「印された男」「ウェディング」「幽霊」「関東美術財団」「夜行バス」「「映画クラブ同窓会」ビッグデート」「無限」を合わせた十一編を収録する。ユーモラスでコミカル、温かみのあるヒューマニズムに根ざ短編小説。翻訳:西脇エミ 他。
ISBN: 978-0-9857835-7-0
Available at muyilpress@gmail.com
Dreaming of Hokuasicollection of short stories about
contemporary Japan by
Kevin Bartelme
Katsushika Hokusai, best known for his wood block prints, especially those of Mount Fuji, liked to walk around all over the place and make drawings of the people he saw along the way. Not portraits, mind you, but people going about their everyday lives.
Kevin Bartelme, best known for his comic novels and short stories, likes to walk around himself, and, somewhat like Hokusai, write about the people he encounters in his travels around Japan. Imaginary people, that is. He doesn’t want anyone to confuse themselves with the fictional characters in the book as some people tend to do.
So, read and enjoy!
ISBN: 978-0-9857835-4-9
Available at Amazon Click Here
Book in 2020
In this epic manifesto, nightclub impresario and game show host Bobby Fever takes us on a step-by-step tour of his brilliant insights and reflections on the human condition in today’s often confusing world. Some people use the Bible or the Talmud or the Koran as their touchstone in life and that’s all well and good for the feeble minded among us, but, as a more complicated, complex individual, I need only to open Bobby’s book to any random page for the comfort and inspiration I need to get me through what otherwise might be a long and dreary day. His wit and wise observations always lift me out of the petty concerns of the madding throng to a place where the sky is crystal clear and the visibility endless! For these bon mots and so much more, I am forever in Bobby’s debt! And I will pay my bar tab next week, Bobby! I will!
Crocker Shipp, DD
ISBN : 0-9857835-9-4
Available at muyilpress@gmail.com
A Chart Too Far
Kevin Bartelme
Harry Thiess’ happy appointment as director of a prestigious art museum is about to take him down a memory hole that harks back to the Massachusetts Bay Puritans whose imprint on American culture reverberates to this day. Moreover, his hiring of archivist Stewart Stockton will lead to all sorts of unforeseen consequences that threaten the very fabric of the haut monde art world where things are rarely what they seem. In a wild series of misunderstandings, sexual imbroglios, and even fiery explosions, Harry is forced to navigate the ever-shifting undercurrents of a run amok society where vanity and the lust for ultimate power are the only constants. What’s a puzzled curator to do when confronted by previously invisible forces that threaten to overwhelm and lay waste to everything he’s ever worked for? Does Harry have what it takes to weather the storm? It’s definitely a long shot but maybe, just maybe, he’ll figure it out.
ISBN : 978-0-9857835-6-3
Available at Amazon Click Here
The Instituto
Kevin Bartelme
If you think school is out you're about to go back for some Advanced Studies at the Instituto.
Set in Mexico City, Mr. Bartelme takes us for a wild ride through everything from Aztec history to the imagined glories and sordid secrets of academia.
I know that sound almost intolerably boring but Mr. Bartelme manages to bring it all to life in a tour de force comedy of bad manners.
ISBN: 978-0-615-59735-5
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